That's right! You read it here first. after three days of work, frustration, migraines, and a few curses I have submitted the podcast to iTunes! This is great news for me because I can reach a larger audience on iTunes. This is also great news for you for a few reasons. 1. I now have time to work on my knitting so I will actually have something to talk about in my new episode. 2. More followers means more giveaways and contests 3. More followers also means google hangout knit nights! I'm super excited about this and think it should be a lot of fun. 4. More knitting and yarn talk! And who doesn't love more knitting and yarn in their lives?
I've also set up my twitter account @penguinsoupknit and connected it to my Facebook Page and there's the ravelry group that I mentioned in yesterday's post. I'm thinking about setting up an Instagram account for this as well.
Short post today. Just wanted to mention a few updates and share my success. I'm so excited about it.
Back to knitting and see you this weekend!