Juego MKAL by Laura Nelkin
Dream in Color Smooshy in Bermuda Teal
Storybook Art & Fiber in Mist
3.75mm KP Nickel interchangeables
Rescue Me, Chin Boy, and Show Me the Stars by C.C. Almon
Crazy Zauberball
2.5mm KP Nickel Circs
Plain PenguinSoup Socks
KirbyWirby's Witches Be Trippin'
2.5mm Karbonz
Review Something
Knitting Mochimochi by Anna Hrachovec
What's in the Mail
MarigoldJen Purple Finch
Little Skein stitch markers
Mad Colour Dr. Who shipment: Life is short and you are hot
Cool Stuff
Not cool: Mailed the st markers and they were sent back
amcgarrah is donating one of her awesome patterns to a lucky winner.
1. Must be a member of the group
2. Post with your favourite PenguinSoup moment or quote
3. In the same post, mention which pattern of hers you want.