

Sunday, April 21, 2013Unknown

I feel like I have somehow fallin into The Song of Ice and Fire series, and I now reside in Westeros. You see, in Westeros their summers can last for years. From as little as 1 or 2 and all the way up to 10. Now this sounds fantastic, but there is a downside. The downside if they have a few months, or maybe a year of falls, and then their winters are as long as their summers. Imagine 10 years of winter. Cold, dark, blustery winters. That sounds like hell on earth to me, but thankfully I'm a knitter. I'm sure a lot more people would learn to knit if the winters lasted that long.

Up here in Winnipeg, Manitoba, we're sitting at six months of winter so far. The rest of Canada (specifically Ontario) has had warmer days and a lighter winter. They even hard grass around Christmas time. But in good ole Winterpeg, we've had snow on the group (and a good amount of it) since around the end of October. The past two weeks have given us more snow. Some has melted a little, but then the snow would come back and replace it. We actually had a snow storm where there was very little visibility.

Now it's really hard to keep your spirits up when the rest of the internet is posting about the pretty flowers, the blooming trees and starting their gardens. I haven't seen grass since the end of October! I'm doing everything I can to keep my spirits up. I've put away the hats, mittens and scarves with the hopes that we wouldn't need them again this year. I did leave the coats and boots out though. I guess I need to get my hat back out. I've also tried to spring clean my house (I can usually do this with the windows open every other year). It's cleaner, but the stale air is still floating about since there's no fresh spring air to let in.

What else can I do besides pack up and move? I can try to make the best of it. I can grab my pretty spring coloured yarns, a cup of blueberry pie tea, and sit myself in front of the fireplace (yes, it's that cold) and try to trick myself into believing that it's November and that the snow is normal. And as we knitters know, November is just one month away from being December. So I'll knit like mad until I finish everything or until Spring decides to show up. Whichever comes first.

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