I'm writing this today because I have to. It says it right here in my planner. See?
Right there. Monday the 8th. Blog. And I really don't mean this in a bad way or in a sense that I don't want to talk to you. Blogging is such a great medium and I love how easy it is for me to express my thoughts and I really do love it. The only issue with it is that it's easily forgotten if you don't make time for it, or if you don't use your planner..
I've let my planner use fall by the wayside while my shop was down. It wasn't because I didn't have anything to put in it or any plans to make. It was more that the planner was a reminder of how far behind I was with everything PenguinSoup, so I simply avoided it. I buried my head in the sand like another flightless bird and pretended it didn't exist. I actually lost my planner for a short time! And if you know me at all, that this is hugely uncharacteristic.
As I've put the effort into getting my shop off the ground again I've found that I cannot live without my planner again. In fact, I might have to go back to one for personal and my A5 for business again. It's my lifeline and my way of life at the same time. It hold my work schedule (which is random) and I can base my weekly shop duties around that. If I didn't plot out my weeks like this there would never be any updates (not like there have been lately). My planner also holds my long terms o dos, goals, dye inspiration, bills, ect.
Now that everything is working cohesively again, I feel like I'll be able to have something that more resembles a schedule than a chance happening. Here's a quick run down of what to expect. I'm going to try it for February and March and see how it goes.
- Updates bi-weekly. Every 1st and 3rd Friday at 3pm EST.
- A Vlog style video bi-weekly on the Sunday following the Update.
- A Podcast bi-weekly on weeks without an update.
- Blog posts every Wednesday and on Mondays without an update.
- A bi-weekly Monday newsletter on weeks with updates.
I know this is a bit of an odd schedule, but I feel like it will work for both you and I. Laying it out like this will allow for some structure in my calendar while getting you the info you need about my shop and other goings on; you will hopefully have a regular amount of content that you feel is both valuable and entertaining. This is the goal anyways.
I look forward to blogging again Wednesday.
I look forward to blogging again Wednesday.
Happy Crafting,