
I'm Late!

Monday, November 25, 2013Unknown

The Christmas season is upon us and I haven't listed any of my Christmas colourways in the shop. I'm really very late with that. I'm also late with listing the Hunger Games colourways and with advertising for the Quarterly Club sign up that's coming up soon.

I also promised to start blogging regularly starting in September, then October and then as soon as I was settled. Well, apparently, I never really got settled. Ever since school started and the house hunt started everything else has been put on hold. My shop updates stopped, my VKN's stopped, I became really distant and formal on Ravelry and my blogging never picked up again.

I will no apologize (again) because you don't need to hear it, and well, I'm not super sorry. I am sorry that I misled you and myself into believing that things would get better or things would become easy. Well, being a full time student, running a home business, and trying to podcast and keep up a relationship with your husband is really a lot of work. I had no idea how much work it was really.

These past few months have been me just trying to keep afloat. I had planned to hand in assignments a week early, blog, podcast, vkn, and do updates weekly as well. That's a laugh! When I started getting overwhelmed, I just stopped. I cutout everything (including school for a bit) and just tried to regain myself. When that happened, I added in school again. It is getting easier now.

I have big plans for the new year. I will start Quarterly Clubs and Monthly Un-clubs. I will also plan podcasts and blogs and schedule vkns. I know this sounds like a whole lot, but if I start treating my job as an actual job, then things should change.

My plan is to schedule my time much better than I was before. PenguinSoup is my job and I need to treat is as thus.

Heres hoping to a more organized new year and thanks for sticking with me,

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